About Us

Hi. I’m Christy!

Christy is an Executive Coach with an energetic, dynamic and straight forward style. Since 2002, she has coached leaders to break through personal and business barriers to unlock their top performance. Christy is passionate about challenging the status quo and supporting her clients to achieve their desired objectives. She has a Master’s degree in Psychology, is certified in the DISC personality system and Guerilla Marketing and integrates Strengths Finder 2.0 into her work. Her extensive background in human psychology, assessments and strategic planning allows her to develop custom plans tailored to each client’s personal strengths and styles to increase efficiency and productivity. Her work experience includes HR Management and therefore brings a well-rounded blend of human and business performance and demands. With her approach, she has helped C-level executives, business leaders, and professionals to transform their performance, expand their reach and achieve new levels. She brings a blend of warmth, motivation and focus to supports LEARNING and ACTION to close the gap between where a leader is presently and where they want to be. Christy writes to help encourage and equip leaders to be at their best, contributing to publications like Forbes, Thrive Global, Medium, Ezine Artilces and more.

Specialty: Christy has a passion for challenging leaders to their highest potential, to have a significant impact and create positive ripples in their organization, team and sphere.

Her clients describe her as a great listener, quick, insightful, truth-teller and full of ideas and energy. From the “mover and shaker” to the “reflective and academic” leader type, Christy works with executives to:

1) DEVELOP LEADERSHIP FROM THE INSIDE OUT: Leaders looking to advance in the industry or expand their edge or reputation with a stronger image and impact by honing their natural strengths and style

2) ADVANCE VISION AND ACTION: CXOs, Executives, Owners, Managers & Independent Professionals (people responsible for goals and their bottom line) to get clarity, focus and a strategic plan for solid leadership, traction and execution

3) STRENGTHEN TEAM AND BUSINESS CULTURE: Leaders desiring to build their communication and team by understanding the uniqueness of each team member and different communication styles resulting in positive and healthy cultures


Serving clients all over the world, remotely from Austin, TX (CST)

Stay connected … Find her on Twitter @christygeiger. Follow us on Facebook or http://synergystrategies.com/

Hi! I’m David!

I have driven successful and profitable IT and business operations by design, building, and deploying systems and/or processes. I have developed projects for Microsoft, Holland & Knight law firm, RSM McGladrey, and the National Retail Federation among others. I have also advised doctoral students and taught graduate students in leadership.

I am a transitional leader, successfully guiding organizations, both for-profit and non-profit, through change processes, structures and systems.

I excel at bringing together the perfect combinations of talent to create effective teams. I help release the best contributions from others. I seek frequent, highly energetic interactions and love to connect with diverse groups of people on a variety of initiatives. I am also a catalyst for new ways of thinking.

  • When I look at the world, I see beneath the surface, to the patterns underneath. I am intrigued by patterns.
  • I think in terms of possibilities.
  • I am a multiplier, always trying to put two things together to make something bigger and better than it is now.
  • My chief impact is through my sense of what could be.
  • I create culture change because I bring people together in order to get something done.
  • I am a researcher of facts, technologies and products.

I am an articulate communicator and active listener with ability to collaborate with internal/external customers and third party vendors to understand big picture and transform into change opportunities and actionable tasks.

My doctoral work focused on integration multiple disciplines to develop a process for behavioral change. I have adapted that process to organizations by applying chaos theory to the change process.

I have also graduate work in Communications, focusing on image, signs and story in organizational change.